Simplify the process of searching for specific or suitable torrents online. Work with the p2p settings and automatically display the most appropriate file for downloading and processing in the compatible programs. View specifications, such as the file's size, numbers of seeders, leechers, ratio, and source.
Bit Che 1.0 Build 60 is a torrents search engine.
It crawls between lots of torrent websites in order to find the requested result, and then showing you the details. If you have a torrent downloader installed, you can start downloading a given file only clicking on it. The program automatically detects and uses the Torrent Client that you have installed in your system.
Bit Che filters duplicate torrents.
The Free Edition lacks some features provided in the Guevara Edition. You can upgrade your version donating $5 or more, or contributing with the develop of Bit Che with a script, a suggestion or a translation. You can get more details visiting the developers site.
Bit Che 1.0 Build 60 supports 40 different languages. You can set different options, regarding the results displayed and the program´s general settings.
You can always view any torrent detail right-clicking on it and choosing "View Torrent Details".
Bit Che 1.0 Build 60 is a good torrent client companion to search for desired files.
Comments (11)
Been using for several years... always finds what I need.